
The How,What & Why of Aamodini Clusters

What is a cluster :  Each Aamodini India Cluster constitutes  3 to 5 trained women who are well versed with Aamodini’s established standards for product quality.

Why do we need a cluster : Aamodini India clusters are well poised to cater local support and assistance to individual sellers to ensure product quality is adhered to  before cataloging the products on the website

Footprint of Aamodini Clusters

The bedrock of the Aamodini India project lies in the uniqueness of its diverse Clusters constituting women (Aamodinis) from various walks of life. The Aamodini India project currently has 10 clusters working cohesively towards delivering quality products.

Women with an entrepreneurial mindset who have skills to produce home grown quality décor and food products can reach out to us and we will help you take your home grown produce to  global markets. The first  step  to come under the wings of Aamodini India’s brand quality is to  reach out to us and initiate the quality  review of your products to  collaborate and drive our vision forward.